Tuesday, 15 March 2016

How To Find Your Lost Cell Phone

lost-cellphone (1)Our cell phone today is one of our favorite, most important and inseparable companion. It is very hard to think or be without it. But due to human tendency of forgetfulness or carelessness, it may be possible that we may forget it at some place, lose it or just misplace it somewhere. So we are listing some tips to you to relocate your cell phone in case you may have forgotten where you must have kept it last.

Just follow the below steps to recover your lost cell phone:

1. Calling on your phone: This is the easiest way to find your handset. Call on your misplaced mobile phone and if it is ringing then try to find it. It becomes a little difficult, if its just vibrating, and still more difficult, if its on a silent mode! If it is left someplace then there are chances that somebody will answer it

2. Try To Locate Yourself: Think, where you had last used or seen your handset. Search for it in your favorite places where you keep it.

3. Asking about your phone: Do not feel ashamed to ask somebody whether they have seen your handset. Ask people among your family or friend who you think may know about it.

4. Send a text message: It is sometimes worth sending an SMS to your phone that you have lost it. The person having it if he/she is honest, will likely call you back to give it back to you.

5. Register a complaint: The last option is to register a complaint with the authorities. It is likely, the thief may be caught by the cops and your handset may be returned to you. You need to have the bill to register a complaint to prove that you are the original owner of the device. The police can track down the user with the help of tracking through its IMEI number.

Note: If you have any tracker any GPS related app installed in your smartphone, you can track its location and know its whereabouts. In android based handsets, you can use an app called Plan B. There are many more related apps available on the Google Play Store. If you install this app, it sends you an email every 10 minutes about the location of your missing mobile phone. In iOS, you can install Find My iPhone, a free app, which will let you know the whereabouts of your device.

How To Find Your Lost Cell Phone

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